Marine Corps League
The Eugene Sara Detachment exists to help support our fellow marines (past, present, and future) as well as to assist the local community by providing Color Guards and Shooting Details for events such as funerals, parades, shows, etc. Events we have sponsored have been Marine Day and the Wounded Warriors Fund Raiser. One of our public service projects in conjunction with the County Commission has been to replace tombstones at Riverside Cemetary. One of the annual events we have been involved in has been Toys for Tots. We help collect toys and donations during November and December to make the drive successful. In 2024 the drive provided toys for 10,000 families in Yellowstone County. The League in conjunction with the Active Duty Command and Reserve Unit at the Armed Forces Training Center also raise money to support the Marine Corps Birthday Ball each year. We also work with the Young Marines at many events in Yellowstone County. The Eugene Sara Detachment also has an active squad in Miles City, MT and there is a Marine Corps League detachment in Roundup, MT.
Toys for Tots
During October and November each year, Marines, Reservists and MCL Members collect toys and Money for families in their areas so that all children – no matter how much their family can afford – are able to receive gifts during the holidays. As for Yellowstone County, in 2017, over 10,000 families were able to see their children had gifts. For more information on the 2025 Toys for Tots drive check out: